Careem releases its socio-economic impact report

Noor Haider
Careem releases its socio-economic impact report
Careem releases its socio-economic impact report

Careem has released a report called “The Socio-Economic Impact of Careem” in partnership with Oxford Economics. The report includes data from 2015-2019 across the UAE, greater Middle East, and Pakistan.

What it says: The report covers Careem’s contribution in

  • opportunities for income-generating activities
  • providing reliable services
  • safer mobility for women
  • the economic and social impact on employees, customers, and local communities.

It includes extensive demographic data on the captains and customers, total trips taken, and the economic impact created by the company.

By the numbers: According to the report, Careem Pakistan has:

  • invested more than $100 million in the last five years
  • created a customer base of 9-10 million
  • completed a total of 236 million rides.

It has 800,000 registered captains in the country, and 64% of its customers are male and 36% female.

Wait, there’s more: Careem has also provided employment opportunities to women. It has more than 1600 female Captains.

Women Captains have taken more than 570,000 rides covering a total distance of 4,500,000 kilometers.

Almost 37% of Careem’s female customers say they use the service because they feel safe.

Before you go: With more than 30 million registered users in 120 cities, Careem is now a Super App. 11 services are available through it, including ride-sharing, food delivery, mobile top-ups, etc.

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