Pakistan ranks 97th for Digital Quality of Life

Noor Haider
Pakistan ranks 97th for Digital Quality of Life

Cybersecurity company Surfshark ranked Pakistan 97th out of 110 countries on the Digital Quality of Life index. This index takes into account the affordability and quality of the internet, as well as electronic infrastructure, security, and government.

Tell me more:

  • Pakistan ranked 108th in broadband speed, 106th in number of internet users, and 102nd in network readiness.
  • Internet affordability decreased by 14% and is now 50% worse than the global average.
  • The e-infrastructure ranks at 106th, making it one of the worst, worldwide.
  • Despite improving the e-security index by 132%, Pakistan ranked at 98th.
  • The internet quality is only slightly worse than the global average at 74th.

On the Bright side: Pakistan had the best growth in mobile and broadband speeds, ranking 41st and 43rd, and was 48th in mobile affordability.

The bottom line: Pakistan has shown a significant decline, falling from 83rd last year to 97th this year. Out of 32 Asian countries, it ranks 28th.

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